We help you reach your social media goals faster than ever without sacrificing your time.

Do you feel like you’re falling behind in your business or growing faster than you can manage?

We’re here to help you reclaim your time: Time for your family and for revenue-generating business activities– fulfilling orders for your growing customer base, answering inquiry emails, and training new employees! We educate your customers and give you the opportunity to earn more revenue, avoid missing out on potential buyers, and transform the aesthetic of your social media and marketing materials. 

Inhale, exhale. Feel proud of the quality and consistency of your marketing, whether you’re just beginning or beginning the next stage of your business journey.

Hi, I’m Olivia


Before I could hold a pencil, I created stories, dictating to my mother what she should write beside my pages and pages of scribbles. Then, we stapled the series of images with my mother's writing together to create a hilarious, literary masterpiece from the mind of a three-year-old. We still have my little books, and my mother and I laugh as we reminisce on my sass and silliness.

Growing up, I continued excelling in writing above all other subjects until I ultimately studied communication and public relations at George Mason University. I graduated with Excellence in Communication in 2021, the same year I launched White Duck Marketing.

After a local small business created a marketing position just for me, I realized the critical role of social media in small businesses. Then I discovered how difficult it can be for companies outside of larger cities to draw in their own traffic instead of appealing to passersby.  So I decided to use my writing superpowers and fine arts experience to help small businesses connect with their ideal audiences through social media. I find joy in doing so every day.

I am truly honored that you're considering working with me and allowing me to use my superpowers to help your business, too!

What People Are Saying

Want to learn more?

Book a call with me so we can talk more about your business’s goals and how we can help you reach them.